"Caspian SEA REGION in Digital ERA"
within the framework of the International Scientific Forum
“Caspian Sea Region 2021: Trajectories of Sustainable Development”
THE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: May 26-27, 2021 Main conference scientific fields:
We invite scientists, graduate students, postgraduate students, MA students and undergraduates to participate in the conference. The conference is organized by the universities and scientific organizations participating in the “Kaspy Research & Educational Center”
The duration of the reports in the section is 10 minutes, and speeches are up to 5 minutes. To confirm practical approbation of work at the National Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation, the appropriate certificates will be given to the participants directly at the conference. The publications up to 5 pages will be accepted until April 25, 2021 (inclusive). The organizing committee reserves the right to reject materials that are not relevant to the topic of the conference or do not comply with the rules of registration, the right to select and technically edit the sent materials, as well as to check for unauthorized use of other people's intellectual property. The reports will be published as an electronic collection of scientific papers, which will be available for downloading on the official website of Astrakhan State University (www.asu.edu.ru). The collection of conference materials will be assigned with library indices ÓÄÊ, ÁÁÊ. The collection will be placed in the RSCI scientometric database.
The organizing committee can recommend publications on the most relevant topics for publication as a scientific article in a journal included in the VAK list of institutions that organize the conference after review.
Section 1. |
"Bulletin of Astrakhan State Technical University”. Economics issue (ASTU) |
Section 2. |
"Bulletin of Astrakhan State Technical University” Series Marine Engineering and Technology issue (ASTU); "Caspian Journal: Management and High Technologies" (ASU) |
Section 3. |
"Astrakhan Medical Journal" (ASMU); "Ñaspian journal of medicine and pharmacy" (ASMU) |
Section 4. |
"Proceedings of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU – MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev) |
Section 5. |
"Bulletin of Astrakhan State Technical University. Fishery issue (ASTU)
Section 6. |
"Caspian region: politics, economics, culture" (ASU) "Bulletin of Kalmyk University (Kalmyk State University) |
Section 7. |
"Bulletin of Astrakhan State Technical University". Management, Computer Science and Technology issue (ASTU) |
Section 8. |
“Engineering and Construction Bulletin of the Caspian Region”( Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering) |
For Conference Participants’ Information:
It’s necessary to submit the following documents to the Organizing Committee until April 25, 2021:
1. Application for participation (Annex 1).
The Conference programme is available on the web page caspian2021.asu.edu.ru
2. Publication up to 5 pages
Article publication is free.
Max. two articles per each author are accepted.
Conference date: May 26-28, 2021
Conference venue – The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Astrakhan State University”, 20a Tatischev Str., Astrakhan (Section 1,4,6,7); The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Astrakhan State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 121 Bakinskaia Str. , Astrakhan (Section 3); The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Astrakhan State Technical University”, 16 Tatischev Str., Astrakhan (Section 2, 5); SAEI AR HE “Àstrakhan state university of architecture and civil engineering” 18 Tatischev Str., Astrakhan (Section 8); The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Àstrakhan state conservatory", 23 Soviet Str., Astrakhan (Section 9).
I. Article structure:
2. UDC thematic rubricator;
3. Article name (ALL CAPITAL LETTERS).
4. Author’s(s’) data:
– author's(s’) surname, name and patronymic;
– author's(s’) place of employment, study, city, country;
– author's(s’) contact details (email).
5. Abstract (30-40 words).
6. Key words (max. 10 words).
7. Article text (with bibliographic references in square brackets).
8. List of bibliographic references complying with GOST Ð 7.0.5 - 2008.
II. Proceedings Requirements:
All proceedings submitted to the Conference should comply with standards for their preparation. Proceedings that don’t comply with the requirements won’t be accepted for printing.
Proceedings preparation standards:
1. Proceedings language – Russian or English.
2. Paper - À4, portrait orientation.
3. Paper margins: top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm, right - 20 mm, left - 20 mm.
4. Paragraph indentation (on the left) — 1 cm.
5. The first paragraph – SECTION No.___ (ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, left alignment).
6. The second paragraph – UDC (left alignment).
7. The third paragraph – article name (center alignment, semi-bold typeface, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS).
8. The fourth paragraph – authors’ data (right alignment).
9. The fifth paragraph - abstract.
10. The sixth paragraph – key words.
Article name, authors’ data, abstract and key words should be indicated in Russian and English.
11. The next paragraph – article text (line spacing – 1-line high, full justification, word-wrapping).
12. Typeface - Times New Roman, size - 12 pt.
13. List of bibliographic references complying with GOST Ð 7.0.5 - 2008.
14. Pictures, tables and formulae are allowed to use.
15. Scientific article size should not be less than 3 but not more than 5 pages
Graphs and diagrams should be converted into Word/Excel, tables – into Microsoft Word, formulae – into JPEG or TIFF. Illustrations of not less than 300 dpi should be submitted as individual files and also placed directly in the text.
Illustrations and tables should be placed in the text after paragraphs containing a reference to them. A reference to the source should be marked with a sequence number, e.g. [1, p. 15]
Authors bear full responsibility for data reliability and text preparation. Proceedings that don’t comply with the requirements are neither refereed nor returned.
Proceedings are to be submitted to the following emails of the Organizing Committee:
Section 1: email: krukovae@mail.ru - Ekaterina Viktorovna KRIUKOVA
Section 2: email: panarina@asu.edu.ru- Svetlana Sergeevna PANARINA
Section 3: email: nailya.berdieva@gmail.com– Nailya Nazhipovna BERDIEVA
Section 4: email: lazkomv@mail.ru – Marina Vladimirovna LAZKO
Section 5: email: science.astu@inbox.ru- Elena Aleksandrovna BELIAEVA
Section 6: email: chernichkin95@mail.ru - Dmitrii Aleksandrovich CHERNICHKIN
Section 7: email: aleksandr.koshkarov@asu.edu.ru–Aleksandr Vasilievich KOSHKAROV
Section 8: e-mail: section8@agasu.ru – Tatiana Kamilievna KURBATOVA
Section 9: e-mail: lirasavvina@mail.ru – Liudmila Vladimirovna SAVVINA