ASU hosted the first meeting of the Commission for Science, Research and Technology under the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries. The meeting was held within the framework of the forum “Caspian Sea Region in the 21st Century: Ways of Sustainable Development” which is taking place these days at the university.
The meeting participants discussed the procedure of work of the Commission for Science, Research and Technology and adjusted the draft statute and roadmap. On the second day of the meeting, the scientists presented reports with proposals on improvement of commission activities.
Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov put forward a proposal to create a council of young researchers within the commission. He shared the experience of cooperation of research students of the Astrakhan university, telling his colleagues about the Youth Scientific Project Office. Such units also exist in other educational institutions of the Caspian region. The Commission members supported a decision to create the council and supplemented it with their own ideas. For example, Consultant of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Yuri Olyunin stressed that UNESCO’s Education Sector could provide consultations on this issue.
The next meeting of the Commission for Science, Research and Technology is going to be held within the framework of the 23rd General Assembly of the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries, which will be held in 2020 at the Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista.
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